About me


Personal Information

I was born on 16.04.1950 in Zurich and grew up in Zurich, India (Bangalore, 1954-1959) Rapperswil and Rueti.

I have been living in Stäfa since 1975, with four grown up children, 5 grandchildren. Widowed in June 2013 after being married for 38 years.

In addition to family and professional interests I have been interested in politics for years and also actively involved, from 2004-2011 as a member of the Cantonal Council for the SP.

Telephone Mobile +41 76 559 19 20

Professional Qualifications 

    • Zurich University study in pedagogic, psychology and philosophy with a Lic.phil.I.

    • Trained as a psychotherapist at the Fritz Perls Institute (FPI) in Gestalt psychotherapy, continuing education amongst others with J. Zinker. E. and M. Polster and L. Perls.

    • Advanced education in systemic couple and family therapy as well as Gestalt couple therapy.

    • Working with numerous institutions in the areas of social work and addiction therapy as an external resource (therapist or supervisor).

    • From 1990 onwards as an educational trainer at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt therapy in Würzburg (IGW)- www.igw-gestalttherapie.de

    • 2008-2012 President of the EAGT European Association for Gestalt therapy – www.eagt.org

  • From 2012 onwards Education leader at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Switzerland- www.igw-schweiz.ch


    • ASP (Association of Swiss Psychotherapists): and as a Committee member since 2013 - www.psychotherapie.ch

    • SVG (Swiss Society for Gestalt therapy and Integrative Therapy): full member as a psychotherapist- www.gestalttherapie.ch

    • EAGT (European Association for Gestalt therapy) - www.eagt.org

    • EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy). Holder of an ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy)- www.europsyche.org

    • IFP (International Federation of Psychotherapy) - www.ifp.name


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